Tell your B2B contact provider you


ever since you called...

The DUMP Your Data Vendor Hotline!

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If you’re OVER your B2B contact data provider’s...

…the Dump Your Data Vendor Hotline is here to help!


  • To speak with a vendor relationship counselor*
  • Take a guided meditation to re-discover your value (and the value of good data)
  • Share experiences about your lousy provider
  • Channel your vendor-related rage into a therapeutic primal scream
  • And more

¡Se habla español!

*The Dump Your Data Vendor Hotline is not an accredited relationship counseling service.

(see we put in the disclaimer are you happy now, Caroline in Legal?)


on Your Bad Relationship

We get it. You wanted the fairy tale. But the heart finds ways to stay in a relationship long after the spark’s gone. Do you stick with your current contact data vendor…

...Out of habit?

...Out of fear of change?

...Because you think all contact data is made equal?

Tell those fears: Hasta la vista, baby!

You deserve better. You got this.

Great providers exist. And unlike Glenn, that hateful two-timing dillweed in The Wedding Singer, they actually care about your well-being and growth. Call our hotline and keep exploring our resources to find a perfect partner!

Call Now


Our Fly Breakup Guide

It’s not you, it’s them. We’ll help you recognize the signs of a bad vendor relationship and provide the steps to gracefully break up with your current provider.

Our Wicked Webinar

Data vendors make life difficult when you want to switch providers. Tune in to our webinar on March 13tune out the melodrama, and take control of your relationship!

Should you dump your vendor?

Take This Quiz

How long does it take your contact data provider to return your texts?
Which movie title best sums up your relationship?
At this point in your relationship, what does a “date night” look like?
Which of these (fictional) relationship books is most likely to be on your partner’s bedside table?
Which song title best describes your company’s revenue growth since meeting your vendor?
You mention you’ve thought about seeing other people. How does your partner react?
6 points:

Run Like Hell

With a score this low, your vendor might be daydreaming of having you for dinner, along with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. Pack your bags! Read our breakup guide! Call 1-800-263-0413!

7 - 17 points:

You Deserve Better

You’ve been unwittingly working with a murderous cyborg posing as a human vendor, and now it’s threatening the future of humanity… and your business. Call our hotline ASAP!

18 points:

Happily Ever After

Congratulations! You’ve found your contact data soulmate. Hold on tight to that caring, diligent (and dashingly handsome, if we do say so ourselves) partner and don’t let go!

9 SIGNS You’re Stuck In a Way Harsh Relationship

Hella-bad vibes take many forms. Here are some of the most common issues
 B2B revenue teams experience with their contact data providers:


They talk a lot about data quantity, but never about quality.


They do a lot of things…but do them poorly.


They lose in head-to-head match rates against competitors.


It’s super difficult to measure the value they deliver.


Their favorite saying 
is ‘Customer lock-in.’


Hidden fees.

Lots of ‘em.


They’re known for sneaky auto-renewal contract clauses.


They claim they’ll sue you if you break up.


Their CX is so unpleasant, you kinda hate working with them.

9 Character-istics to Look for in a

Way Better Partner

They should be like Keanu in Speed...

They’re fully committed to the mission. Pop quiz, hotshot: Who provides data that’s precise, actionable, and compliant with data privacy standards? This vendor.

...and Denzel in The Pelican Brief...

They’re curious, communicative, and dedicated to getting to the bottom of things. They’ll listen to you — and have a great network of resources when you need help.

...and Julia in Pretty Woman...

They reveal the things around you that actually matter — like hidden accounts exhibiting buying intent — and empower  you to reach out when you’re ready. (Watching them eat escargot is a scream, too.)

...and Tia in Waynes World...

They’re insanely talented, creative, and resourceful, tailoring workflows and features to help you achieve your goals. And they can rock a most excellent cover of Ballroom Blitz.

...and Jodi in

They’re rational and reasonable, using science-based hard evidence — not guesswork or blind faith — to fine-tune your GTM strategies. With them, you’re OK to go.

...and Leo in

They don’t control you. No aggressive auto-renewal nonsense. No bullying. No freakouts if you split. They don’t act like the king of the world — this is an equal partnership.

...and Whoopi in Ghost...

They’re unifiers, bridging impossible distances with tools like a powerful single-source-of-truth dashboard for salespeople, marketers, and everyone else on your revenue team.

...and Goldblum in Jurassic Park...

They’re forward-thinking technological experts, laser-focused on the important things around you — like your Ideal Customer Profile. With them, life, ah, finds a way.

...and Queen Latifah in Set It Off

They’ve totally got your back and want the same thing you do: to succeed at this. They’re with you to the end, no matter what. (And they’ve got a badass ’62 Impala.)

So, It’s Time to Say ‘Bye, Felisha’...

Wanna know what to say when it’s time to kick your vendor to the curb? This corporate training course reveals all.

Your Heart Will Go On.

Wanna eat a pint (or three) of Häagen-Dazs after your breakup? Mad props to you. Once you’re done, use this playlist for your big comeback montage scene!

‘You Deserve Better’

Our Complimentary Breakup Guide

This guide is so nice, we’re mentioning it twice! Discover the signs of an inequitable vendor relationship — and how to ditch them for a far better partner.

Call Now


Don’t want to call?

No problem

Who uses the phone anymore, anyway? 
(Certainly not your contact data vendor, amirite?) Simply fill out this form and one of our counselors* will contact you shortly.

*The Dump Your Data Vendor Hotline is not an accredited relationship counseling service.

(another disclaimer jeez Caroline in Legal is such a hard case)

[ Derek, I can literally see your comments because you didn’t turn off track changes. Dork. —Caroline ]

Bounce back with this

bestselling advice

The Dump Your Data Vendor Hotline

6sense delivers richer contact insights to help B2B 
marketers and sellers truly understand their buyers… 
and win more deals. 

6sense’s purpose-built AI models* analyze millions of data points — across firmographics, technographics, psychographics, intent data, contact information, and more. Your team gets laser-focused insights to deeply personalize their outreach and generate more revenue.

Ready to see 
6sense in action?

Activate relevant and efficient audience targeting, with industry-leading account identification, intent data and predictive models.

NOTE: Calling the Dump Your Data Vendor Hotline and visiting can result in switching to a much better B2B contact data partner, improved processes and pipeline, and overall total radness. Side effects of experiencing the hotline and site may include: Uncontrollable nostalgia for the days before social media ruined everything — you know, back when you rocked the O.G. “Mosaic” web browser and gabbed on IRC, and spent weeks during that one semester memorizing the Ezekiel 25:17 scene from Pulp Fiction, and getting your mind blown when you heard Dr. Dre’s The Chronic for the first time, and then came Tupac and Biggie and Wu-Tang, and then there were those few months when you wanted to punch out your roommate because all they did was play that one stupid Blues Traveler CD on repeat, and droned on and on about how Let Her Cry and Mr. Jones would be remembered for generations to come, but when it came to guitar and drums, you were more of a Riot Grrrl kind of person, rocking out to Bikini Kill and Tribe 8 and Bratmobile and Babes In Toyland and L7, and dug what Fiona Apple, Liz Phair, and Tracy Chapman were up to too, and you were head over heels for shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The X-Files because the truth was out there, and you had Melrose Place watch-parties with your friends where you knocked back Crystal Pepsi and Zima and Bacardi Breezers, and doggone it you had to tape episodes of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air because you worked till close at Blockbuster on Monday nights, but you discovered John Woo and Guillermo del Toro and John Singleton while working at Blockbuster so it all evened out I guess, and then there was that one time when you accidentally starved and killed your Tamogatchi which was a total bummer, but thanks to action movies, you knew what a “mimetic polyalloy” was, and, whoa, you knew Kung Fu too, and you knew that Taco Bell would eventually win the Fast Food Wars, and while you didn’t have much love for New Kids on the Block, you’d defend the honor of the Backstreet Boys against NSYNC any day, and then Ghostface terrified you to the bone because yes, you did love scary movies, and seeing poor Drew Barrymore get wasted in the first reel was soul-crushing because you’d been a fan ever since she played Gertie in E.T. and you’d even stuck with her through dubious career choices like Poison Ivy, and now here come the obligatory salutes to They Might Be Giants + Tiny Toons Adventures and insidious earworm TV commercial jingles (Whatcha gonna pick? Hot Pockets! and Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at suppertime…) and the mouth-scalding magma guts of Pizza Rolls, and then you were completely enraptured watching Tori Amos and Neil Gaiman pass love letters to each other in their songs and comics, and then, improbably, you got into swing music because of that crazy GAP commercial and that didn’t last very long but hey at least you still know every word to Jump, Jive, an’ Wail so let’s pray that might come in handy someday, and then you read The Hot Zone and practically crapped your pants from overwhelming paranoia and fear because Ebola, and then Apple came out with the iMac and every damn thing in the world was made of colorful translucent plastic for a while, and you never told a soul but you really dug those NOW That’s What I Call Music! CDs because wow what a value, and yep, they were right, Kriss Kross really did make you jump-jump and the Daddy Mac also made you jump-jump, and Jack Nicholson was right, too — you couldn’t handle the truth — and you heard Prince’s 1982 song 1999 pretty much for the entirety of the year 1999 which nearly drove you nuts because you’d heard enough of that song back in the ’80s, and then you survived Y2K, and the next thing you know it’s 30 years later and you’re older and wiser and you’re going on a nostalgia trip this very moment because you’re reading a 700-word paragraph on the internet, and now the paragraph is over and, sadly, so is the trip.

*Requires a customer-specific AI model, available as an additional upgrade.