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How to Build a GTM Strategy for Your Software Company 

7 min
GTM planning team

Launching a new product or service is akin to conducting a symphony. Like a conductor skillfully guiding a group of musicians to create a harmonious performance, a well-executed go-to-market (GTM) strategy orchestrates the various elements of a software company’s journey to success. 

Also like a symphony, a GTM strategy requires careful planning, coordination, and synchronization. It involves: 

  • Understanding your target audience 
  • Crafting a compelling value proposition 
  • Selecting the right marketing channels 
  • Enabling your sales team to effectively communicate the benefits of your software 

Whether you’re a startup looking to make a splash or an established SaaS company expanding your reach, here’s how to develop a GTM strategy worthy of a standing ovation. 

What is a Go-To-Market (GTM) Strategy? 

A GTM strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how a software company will bring its products to market and reach its target audience. It encompasses activities and resources to successfully launch, promote, and sell a product.  

For software companies, having a well-defined GTM strategy is of paramount importance. Here’s why: 

  1. Provides businesses with a deep understanding of their target market, including customer needs, preferences, and pain points. By conducting thorough market research and analysis, companies can tailor their offerings to meet specific customer demands, ensuring a higher chance of success. 
  1. Allows companies to differentiate themselves from competitors by highlighting unique value propositions, positioning themselves as industry leaders, and effectively communicating their product’s benefits to potential customers. 
  1. Helps allocate resources efficiently. By identifying the most effective marketing channels, sales tactics, and distribution methods, companies can optimize their investments and maximize their ROI — ensuring resources are used in the most cost-effective manner. 
  1. Enables more precise targeting, identifying the most relevant customer segments as well as their buying behaviors. Marketing and sales teams can tailor messaging, positioning, and promotional activities to resonate with their target customers.  
  1. Lays the foundation for scalability and sustainable growth. Software companies can expand their market reach and capture new opportunities by establishing effective distribution channels, building strong partnerships, and implementing scalable sales processes. 

Who are the Team Members Responsible for a GTM Strategy? 

Just as in a symphony, where each instrument contributes its distinct sound to create a cohesive piece of music, successful GTM requires a collaborative effort from different corners of the organization.  


The marketing team is responsible for defining the target audience and creating buyer personas that represent ideal customers. By conducting market research, they gather valuable insights into customer needs, pain points, and preferences. This information helps shape campaign messaging to effectively reach and engage the target audience. 


Working closely with marketing, sales uses market research findings and buyer personas to identify potential customers and understand their buying behaviors. Using intent data — which provides insights into the readiness of accounts to make a purchase — the sales team can prioritize their efforts and focus on the most qualified leads. They also play a vital role in converting prospects into customers by effectively communicating the value proposition and addressing customer pain points. 


Members of the product team collaborate with marketing and sales to ensure that the product aligns with customer needs and market opportunities. With an understanding of the competitive landscape, they identify gaps and opportunities for differentiation. Product also provides valuable input on product positioning, features, and pricing to maximize market appeal and competitiveness. 

Customer Success 

The customer success team provides insights into customer feedback, issues, and success stories — helping to refine the GTM strategy and improve the overall customer experience. Their unique role and perspective also enables them to contribute to upselling and cross-selling opportunities. 

Executive Leadership 

The C-suite provides strategic guidance and oversight for the GTM strategy to ensure it aligns with the company’s vision and mission. To support a successful execution, they also handle the following responsibilities: 

  • Allocate resources 
  • Approve budgets 
  • Make critical decisions 

GTM Strategy Framework 

Diving into your GTM strategy without a framework is like sending the orchestra out to perform without tuning instruments, giving the musicians any music, or practicing together. A framework ensures everyone has a clear path forward and knows their role throughout the whole GTM process.  

First, define the unique value that your software offers. Identify the specific features and benefits that set it apart from competitors, like: 

  • Superior performance 
  • Advanced features 
  • Ease of use 
  • Scalability 
  • Integration capabilities 
  • Cost effectiveness 
  • Exceptional customer support 

With these differentiators in mind, craft a compelling value proposition statement. This should clearly articulate the benefits and outcomes that customers can expect from using your product. Include common pain points, how the product solves these challenges, and the value it brings to their business.  

Setting Clear Objectives and Goals 

What do you want to achieve with this initiative? Determine goals, document them, and communicate them to every stakeholder. Here are some tips for effective goal-setting: 

  1. Define the objectives you want to achieve with your GTM strategy. These should be specific, leaving no room for ambiguity. They should also be measurable, allowing you to track progress and determine success. Objectives could include increasing market share or achieving a specific revenue target. 
  1. Align objectives with overall business goals. Your GTM strategy should support and contribute to broader objectives of the organization. Aligning the two creates a cohesive and integrated approach that drives the growth and success of your company. 
  1. Establish KPIs to effectively track progress and measure the strategy’s success. These metrics reflect performance and how you’re trending towards your objectives. By regularly monitoring KPIs, you can make data-driven adjustments to make the greatest impact. 

Developing a Marketing Plan 

Next, identify the marketing channels that will best reach your target audience. Conduct market research to understand where your potential customers spend their time and how they prefer to consume information. This could include: 

  • Social media platforms 
  • Search engine marketing 
  • Email marketing 
  • Content syndication 
  • Industry events 
  • Influencer partnerships 

Next, develop a content marketing strategy that educates and engages prospects. Create valuable and relevant content that addresses their challenges, provides solutions, and showcases your expertise. Use a variety of formats like:  

  • Blog posts 
  • Whitepapers 
  • Case studies 
  • Videos 
  • Webinars 

Be consistent in delivering this content to establish thought leadership and attract a loyal audience. Some of this content can also be developed to capture contact information from leads. And once you’ve generated leads, implement nurturing strategies to build relationships and guide them through the buyer’s journey.  

Sales Enablement and Training 

Think of enablement and training as the sheet music and rehearsals for sales teams. Equipping them with the necessary tools, developing sales collateral, and providing comprehensive support empowers sellers and maximizes their performance. 

Ensure the sales team has access to tools and resources that streamline workflows and enhance productivity. These include: 

  1. Customer Relationship Management systems  
  1. Sales automation software 
  1. Product presentations 
  1. Case studies 
  1. Brochures and sales collateral 
  1. Sales scripts 
  1. Sales playbooks 

Arming your sales team with these materials enhances their ability to engage prospects and drive conversions. 

But simply providing these things isn’t enough. To truly enable sales reps, they need comprehensive training and ongoing support. Conduct regular training sessions to ensure that your sales team is well-versed in product knowledge, sales techniques, objection handling, and negotiation skills. Offer continuous support through coaching and mentorship to keep sellers updated, confident, and agile in a dynamic environment. 

Pricing and Packaging Strategy 

You think your product is priceless, but prospective customers are likely more hesitant.  

Evaluate your software to determine a pricing model that aligns with its value proposition and target market. Common models include: 

  • One-time purchases: Customers pay a single upfront fee to use your software. 
  • Recurring subscriptions: Customers pay on a monthly or annual basis. 
  • Usage-based pricing: Customers pay based on actual use of the software. 
  • Value-based pricing: Your product is priced based on its perceived value by customers.  

Once you’ve picked your pricing model, package your product offerings to meet customer needs and preferences. This involves creating different tiers or bundles that cater to various customer segments or use cases. For example, you could offer several packages, each offering its own level of features, functionality, or support. This helps to appeal to a wider range of customers and provide options that align with their specific requirements. 

Consider implementing additional strategies that can enhance customer acquisition and retention, like: 

  • Freemium, where you offer a basic version for free with the option to upgrade to a paid version for additional features or functionality. 
  • Tiered pricing, where you offer different pricing levels based on usage, number of users, or access to certain features. 
  • Subscription models, like monthly or annual plans, provide cost flexibility and predictability for customers. 

Launch and Execution 

The music is written. Your orchestra has rehearsed for months, fine tuning along the way. The tickets are up for sale. Now it’s time to prepare for opening night — when you launch your product.  

Successfully launching a product requires a coordinated campaign that is: 

  • Featured on the most popular channels with your audience (social, email)  
  • Targeted toward your ideal customers 
  • Compelling and engaging, with messaging that quickly articulates value 

Post-launch, your work is not done! Closely monitor and analyze performance, evaluating metrics like website traffic and conversion rates. Use analytics tools and customer feedback to gain insights into how your target audience is responding to your product and marketing efforts. This information will help you identify areas of success and areas that require improvement. 

Based on what you discover, continuously iterate your GTM strategy by: 

  • Refining your messaging 
  • Adjusting marketing tactics 
  • Optimizing your product offering 

With a well-coordinated, diligent approach, you can maximize the impact of your product launch and set the stage for long-term success in the market. 

GTM Strategy Examples, Templates, and Resources 

Let’s take a look at two different GTM strategies in action. 

Software Company A 

Software Company A, a B2B SaaS company specializing in project management software for small and medium-sized businesses, implemented a comprehensive go-to-market strategy to effectively reach their target market and drive customer acquisition.  

Here’s what they did: 

  1. Identified project managers, team leads, and business owners in SMBs as their primary target audience.  
  1. Developed a compelling value proposition emphasizing the product’s user-friendly interface, robust collaboration features, and customizable project workflows. 
  1. Focused on content marketing as a primary channel for engaging and educating their audience, creating a blog featuring best practices and trends, hosting webinars to provide in-depth knowledge, and social media to amplify content and foster a community. 
  1. Created sales collateral showcasing product features and benefits, as well as case studies and product demos. 

Software Company B 

Software Company B is a B2B company that provides customer relationship management solutions for sales teams in the technology industry. The company implemented a GTM strategy to effectively reach their target market and drive customer acquisition.  

Here’s what they did: 

  1. Identified technology companies with sales teams of varying sizes, ranging from startups to enterprise-level organizations, as their primary audience. 
  1. Created a value proposition focusing on their product’s advanced lead management, pipeline tracking, and analytics features. 
  1. Used search engine marketing to make sure their brand appeared prominently in relevant search results and actively participated in tech conferences and trade shows to engage with potential customers. 
  1. Provided comprehensive sales training, collateral, demos, and ROI calculators to enable sellers to understand and effectively demonstrate product features, use cases, and benefits.  

Templates and Resources

Whew! We’ve just thrown a lot of info at you. Ready to get started, or is your head spinning? Below are some templates and resources to lay the groundwork for your strategy and help you and your team stay on track.  


Developing a comprehensive GTM strategy is crucial for software companies looking to launch their products successfully and drive customer acquisition. From value prop to enablement, each step in the process — no matter how small — contributes to overall success. 

But remember, a successful GTM strategy is a journey of continuous improvement, not a one-time initiative. Embrace the mindset of adaptation and be open to feedback and insights that will foster long-term success.  

Now, go forth and create your symphony. The stage is set, the audience awaits, and it’s time for you and your software to shine! 

The 6sense Team

6sense helps B2B organizations achieve predictable revenue growth by putting the power of AI, big data, and machine learning behind every member of the revenue team.

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